Team Flex Application Closes April 30
Team Flex Application Closes April 30 //
ENDURE, the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering, will bring over 1,000 loving, energetic, flexible, and faithful volunteers to New Orleans, LA. Volunteers are a highly valued and deeply needed element of the Gathering experience and its overall success. Whether you are an adult looking to serve for the full length of the Gathering (Ambassador), a young adult ready to serve in orange (Young Adult Volunteer), or someone flexibly able to serve for a day or two (Team Flex), the Gathering is thankful for your service.
Fun fact: The Gathering is not only the largest gathering of the youth of the LCMS, it’s the largest gathering of LCMS Adults and Young Adults!
Gathering Ambassadors
Gathering Ambassadors (formerly known as Community Life Builders or CLBs) are adult volunteers ages 26 and older (at the time of the Gathering). These volunteers serve in many different capacities for the duration of the Gathering. They are servant leaders and trusted voices, helping participants have a safe and remarkable experience. The Ambassador team is filled with pastors, church workers, and lay people. Look for these volunteers in YELLOW at the Gathering.
Gathering Ambassador applications are CLOSED. Selected individuals received communication on May 15, 2024.
Young Adult Volunteer
Identified by their bright orange shirts, Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) are adults ages 19–25 who serve as role models and servant leaders throughout all corners of the Gathering.
Young Adult Volunteers commit to:
Paying a $400 volunteer registration fee (Final payment is due April 15)
Staying in assigned Gathering hotel accommodations covered by the Gathering (with 4 or more same-gendered volunteers)
Attending volunteer training July 17–18, 2025 in New Orleans
Serving the Gathering July 19–23, 2025 in New Orleans
YAVs pay a volunteer registration fee of $400. The Gathering uses this fee to supplement hotel costs. Current plans are to house the YAVs at a hotel near the Morial Convention Center. YAVs are roomed by gender and 4 or more to a room. The Gathering covers all housing costs but YAVs pay for their own transportation and most meals.
Selected individuals will received communication on February 11, 2025.
The YAV application is now closed.
Team Flex volunteer positions are open to any adult ages 18+ who want to serve with a more flexible schedule. BLUE shirts identify these volunteers who have committed to serve anywhere from 4 hours for a single day or up to 8 hours a day for 5 days.
This team is made up of Gathering alumni, LCMS Lutherans from across the country as well as Louisiana locals. Team Flex members pay no registration fee and are responsible for the costs of their own meals, housing, and travel to and from the Gathering.
The Team Flex application will open now through April 30, 2025.
Team Flex
Music Opportunities
The LCMS Youth Gathering culminates in Worship at the concluding Divine Service with Holy Communion. Youth have the opportunity to be involved by sharing their artistic gifts and talents through participating in the Gathering Wind Symphony or Choir. Serving in the Wind Symphony or Choir will replace one of the participant's session times (4 pm), with transportation provided from the Convention Center beforehand to ensure youth arrive to the Superdome on time for rehearsals.
Music auditions are currently closed. Communication will be sent to all youth applicants via email by May 1, 2025.
Instruments: Piccolo, Flutes, Oboes, Bassoons, B flat Soprano Clarinets, Bass Clarinets, E flat Alto Saxophones, B flat Tenor Saxophones, E flat Baritone Saxophones, French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones, Euphoniums, Tubas, Timpani, Mallet Percussion, and Drums.
Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions
Gathering Ambassadors
Gathering Ambassadors should plan to arrive in New Orleans on Wednesday, July 16, 2025, mid-day. We will begin training that evening. The Gathering will conclude on Wednesday, July 23 at noon. Most Gathering Ambassadors will finish their Gathering roles by 1 pm on the final day of the Gathering.
Job assignments will be shared at least one month prior to the Gathering. Some roles require extra pre-Gathering training and those Ambassadors will be notified earlier than others. Gathering roles are always subject to change, even as late as when you arrive in New Orleans.
A Gathering Ambassador is “on call” all throughout the Gathering. There are many needs that pop up along the way throughout the Gathering. You may be asked to serve in small “extra” ways that are outside of your assigned roles to help ease some pressure points that may occur during the Gathering.
If you would like to arrive early or stay late at your own expense, you must make those arrangements through the Youth Gathering Office. This communication will occur through the Gathering Ambassador Registration process. If you are not able to commit to the full Ambassador time period, Team Flex may be a good volunteer option for you.
Yes, your spouse may register for $750. Please note, Gathering Ambassadors have a very full schedule—duties at your hotel, one or two shifts a day working at various jobs, and other Gathering Ambassador roles throughout the day. With the need for flexibility and the demands of service at the Gathering, it is not possible to plan “vacation-type” activities during your time of service. Your spouse may rarely see you and we cannot arrange a volunteer schedule to accommodate specific personal schedules.
Yes. Registering your spouse for $750 will enable them to receive a wristband and participate in all aspects of the Gathering. This fee is a reduced rate for the cost of the hotel and Gathering registration. We will plan for you to stay in the same room.
Your children are not allowed to accompany you to the Gathering. (We hope children aged 14 or older will register with your congregation to attend the event.) Please understand that the focus of the Gathering is designed for high school youth and is not necessarily child-friendly. We cannot promise a schedule that would allow you to provide your children the proper care and supervision they need. Nursing mothers are also unlikely to be able to arrange availability for a regular feeding schedule. As a Gathering Ambassador, your volunteer role requires an “on call” status, and should a family need arise, your ability to fulfill your responsibilities as a Gathering Ambassador would be impacted.
With payment of your $400 registration fee, the Gathering provides the following items for all Gathering Ambassadors:
Gathering registration (includes registration items, the Gathering program, and secondary insurance).
Hotel accommodations for seven nights (July 16–23) in your assigned Gathering hotel, double occupancy. Unless additional plans have been made, Ambassadors will check out of the hotel on the final day of the Gathering, July 23.
A maximum $400 travel transportation credit to cover travel to and from the Gathering. The credit will be handled this way:
If flying, the Youth Gathering Office will purchase your airline ticket. If your transportation costs exceed $400, you will be responsible for contributing to the remainder of the cost. We ask that Gathering Ambassadors do this in an effort to be good stewards of Gathering volunteer and participant registration fees.
If driving, the Gathering reimburses the lowest of the following transportation costs (maximum of $400):
67 cents (or current LCMS rate) per mile for the round trip (Married couples who drive will be reimbursed mileage for only ONE person, or the maximum amount of $400.)
The cost of the lowest 90-day advance purchase round-trip airfare available during the Gathering (airfare cost to be provided by the Youth Gathering Office).
Note: The Gathering Ambassador Registration Form asks you to indicate how you plan to travel to and from the Gathering, i.e., drive or fly. If any information in your transportation plan changes, please contact the Youth Gathering Office ( immediately.
Upon notification of your acceptance to serve as a Gathering Ambassador, instructions will be shared via email on how to pay your $400 registration fee.
To ensure that Gathering Ambassadors are able to arrive at the appropriate time and that Gathering dollars are used wisely, airfare is purchased as early as possible.
The cost of your transportation to and from your home airport.
The cost of parking at the airport.
The cost of some meals.
Gathering Ambassadors are selected individually and not as teams or couples. They are placed in hotels based on the Gathering’s need to mix veterans and rookies, differing talents/skills, etc. To maximize the number of rooms available for youth, Gathering Ambassadors of the same gender are housed together. If your spouse is serving as a Gathering Ambassador you will be assigned to the same room. It is unlikely you will be given the same work shifts or assigned area. We cannot accommodate requests to serve together. This is a great opportunity to broaden your relationships with some exceptional new people. In order to serve the Gathering, a great deal of flexibility is needed.
We cannot arrange to place you at the same hotel as your youth group. Your time commitment as a Gathering Ambassador would not allow time to assist them. Plan to visit with them in your off time. You cannot serve as a church group adult leader while serving as a Gathering Ambassador.
Yes, you are able to pay for a single room. The rate for a single room for the duration of the Gathering is $750.
If your YAV arrives early with you, and you have paid for a single room, then the YAV may stay with you only on non-Gathering nights. YAVs are required to stay in YAV housing during the days of the Gathering.
Still have questions? Please contact
Young Adult Volunteers
Young Adult Volunteers are 19-25 year olds and:
Are Christ-following, grace-filled, SERVANT LEADERS: setting a great example and influencing those around them.
SELFLESSLY CONTRIBUTE to many areas of the Gathering including: interactive learning areas, sessions, Bible studies, service areas, mass events, hotel life, throughout the convention center, on social media, information booths, and along city streets. Due to this, there is no guarantee that volunteers will be able to participate in all facets of the Gathering programming.
Serve PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, and SPIRITUALLY: Gathering Volunteer roles often require lots of walking, standing, smiling, grace, patience, humility, communicating and praying.
Are TEAM PLAYERS: nearly all Gathering volunteer roles are set in community and require a willingness to be led as well as lead.
Every YAV will serve in a specific service area(s). Some of the serving areas include Interactive Center, Recreation, Large Group Ushering, and Guide (Bible Study, Stadium Events), Crowd Engagement, Introductions (Sessions and Concerts), Gathering Support- Traffic/Safety/Information, Servant Events, and Media.
Young Adult Volunteers pay the registration fee of $400 and receive training, access to Gathering programming, housing, some meals, and t-shirts.
Upon notification of your acceptance to serve as a YAV, instructions will be shared via email on how to pay your $400 registration fee.
Arriving: Young Adult Volunteers should plan to be at the YAV Hotel in New Orleans on July 17 by 5:00 pm. If you are flying, your flight should land no later than 4:00 pm.
You can fly into Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY). We encourage you to get your plane tickets early (once you have registered) to save money. We also encourage you to get a refundable ticket. We will send you a travel form to fill out once you have registered to communicate your travel info.
Yes, you are welcome to arrive early or stay late at your own expense.
More details will be provided closer to the Gathering.
More details will be provided closer to the Gathering.
Job assignments will be shared at least one month prior to the Gathering. Gathering roles are always subject to change, even as late as when you arrive in New Orleans.
Young Adult Volunteers will walk almost everywhere during the Gathering. Program activities during the day are held in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, which is a mile long building. Additionally, Mass Events will be held in Superdome, which is approximately a one mile walk from the convention center. Plan to walk 8-10 miles everyday. Your typical hours of service may be limited to 8 hours to allow time for you to participate in the Gathering and also explore the city.
Young Adults will be staying at a hotel(s) in downtown New Orleans. Housing is covered in your registration fee.
During your off time, you are welcome to connect with your church, friends, or hang with other YAVs. Because you won’t know your job assignment until later, thus what time you will be volunteering, you won’t be able to plan for paid events like a district event.
Young Adults will be housed with 4 in a room for a double room.
The Gathering Office will work with married couples on a case-by-case basis.
Young Adults will be housed based on gender and team/job assignment.
Young Adult Volunteers are expected to room with other YAVs during the duration of the Gathering in order to cultivate community and accountability.
A comprehensive list will be updated closer to the Gathering:
An open mind and a servant heart.
Clothes appropriate for the outdoor hot and humid climate and cool air conditioned temperatures inside buildings. Keep in mind you are working with high school participants. Remember comfortable, but modest clothing and dress in layers. You will receive two orange t-shirts, one should be worn when you are at your service area.
Closed-toed shoes for working.
Comfortable clothes for time spent off hours.
Orange flair (You will receive some, but you are welcome to bring your own as well).
Personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.).
Sun Screen.
Special dietary items, if needed.
Photo ID.
Money for food and souvenirs.
Cash for Café Du Monde.
Power bank or bolt charger to recharge phone (not going to be many places to charge as you serve).
An attitude to be fun, friendly, and flexible.
We anticipate breakfast being available at the YAV hotel. YAVs will be responsible for most of their other meals.
Still have questions? Please contact
Team Flex Volunteers
Team Flex is open to any adult ages 18+ who want to serve the Gathering with a more flexible schedule. Gathering alumni, LCMS Lutherans, and Louisiana locals are encouraged to serve.
Being fun, friendly, and flexible. Team Flex volunteers help the Gathering run smoothly. The flexible volunteer schedule allows Team Flex to meet the needs of the different program areas of the Gathering and the needs of youth and Adult Leaders.
Team Flex volunteer roles are based on availability, skill set, and program needs. Some areas of service could include:
Pre-Gathering Set Up
Traffic Control
Adult Leader Rest Area
Drivers for Planning Teams and Resource Pick-Up
Convention Center Programming
Food Hall/Other Meals
Gathering roles are always subject to change, even as late as when you arrive in New Orleans.
Team Flex members do not pay a registration fee, but are financially responsible for their housing, meals, and travel to and from the Gathering.
Team Flex volunteers are needed before, during, and after the Gathering. Team Flex volunteers commit to serve anywhere from 4 hours for single day or up to 8 hours a day for the duration of the Gathering. Applicants will be able to share their volunteer availability during the application process.
The Gathering takes place July 19–23. Currently, Team Flex volunteers will be needed 2 days before the Gathering begins and 1 day after the Gathering ends.
Team Flex volunteers are responsible for securing their own housing. They should not expect to stay at the same hotel as their congregation. The Gathering Office is working on a list of hotel suggestions for Team Flex volunteers.
Team Flex volunteers should not expect to stay at the same hotel as their congregation. Primary Adult Leaders are not allowed to request a room for Team Flex volunteers in their rooming list during the Registration process. We do encourage Team Flex volunteers to connect with their congregation during their off time.
More details will be provided closer to the Gathering.
Team Flex volunteers are able to participate in Gathering programming on the days of their service only.
Due to assigned seating, we are unable to guarantee that you will be able to sit with your congregation during Stadium Events. There will be a dedicated volunteer section in the Superdome for all volunteers to sit together as well as an open seating section available for all Gathering participants.
Team Flex volunteers are identified by the color blue and will receive 1 shirt for their service. These volunteers are also encouraged to add blue flair to their outfits.
The Gathering Office will provide necessary items for specific service areas. However, there are a few items all Team Flex volunteers should pack:
Comfortable Walking Shoes
Water Bottle
Sun Protection (Hat, Sunglasses, Sunscreen)
Blue Flair
The Gathering Volunteer Management team will communicate to Team Flex volunteers when and where their check-in will take place. Please read communication carefully as service areas can change each day of service. Team Flex volunteers should plan to arrive at their service area 30 minutes before their scheduled time to receive their wristband and specific tasks.
If your service availability changes after you submit your application, please email to discuss your changes.
Still have questions? Please contact
Music Opportunities
Any youth registered to attend the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering can audition.
Communication will be sent to all youth applicants via email by May 1, 2025.
Selected participants are expected to:
Attend all scheduled rehearsals
Perform at the closing Divine Service
Work collaboratively with ensembles and directors
Piccolo, Flutes, Oboes, Bassoons, B flat Soprano Clarinets, Bass Clarinets, E flat Alto Saxophones, B flat Tenor Saxophones, E flat Baritone Saxophones, French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones, Euphoniums, Tubas, Timpani, Mallet Percussion, and Drums.
No, youth may only audition for one ensemble. Please choose either the Wind Symphony or Choir based on your interests and strengths.
Serving in the Wind Symphony or Choir will replace one of the participant's session times (4 pm), with transportation provided from the Convention Center beforehand to ensure youth arrive to the Superdome on time for rehearsals. Although rehearsals will take place during the final session time, those sessions will be repeated during the days of the Gathering.
Rehearsals will take place at the Superdome on Sunday, July 20, Monday July 21, and Tuesday, July 22 from 4:00–5:30 pm. A final dress rehearsal will take place on Wednesday, July 23 from 6:30–8:30 am. Location details and entry instructions will be communicated to selected participants.
Yes, all instrumentalists are expected to bring their own instruments and any necessary accessories (reeds, mouthpieces, etc.). For some especially large instruments (e.g. tuba or percussion), the Worship Team will be in contact with you about the possibility of renting or borrowing instruments.
Dr. Richard Fischer, Distinguished Professor of Music and the Fred and Jane Wittlinger Endowed Chair for Music Performance, is in his 48th year as director of the Wind Symphony and University Band at Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill. He holds the Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Music degrees from De Paul University and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Michigan State University. He has also studied at Cornell College and the University of Northern Colorado.
Dr. Jeff Held is the music director of both the Concordia Wind Orchestra and the Concordia Symphony Orchestra at Concordia University Irvine. Dr. Held received the Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Education from Boston University. He received a master's degree from The American Band College at Southern Oregon University and an undergraduate degree in music from Valparaiso University. In addition, he completed the Lutheran Teaching Colloquy from Concordia University Irvine. His career began as band director and music department chairman at Orange Lutheran High School, where he established a prominent concert band, jazz band, and handbell ensemble.
Kurt E. von Kampen is the fourth conductor in the 83-year history of the Concordia University, Nebraska A Cappella Choir. Before coming to Concordia in 1998, he served as head of the choral program at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan and as director of music at Lutheran High School in Westland and Northwest in the Detroit area. Kurt has conducted the honor choir for the LCMS Youth Gathering for the past five gatherings.
Dr. Paul von Kampen is the Director of Choral Activities and Director of Church and School Engagement through the Fine Arts at Concordia University, St. Paul. He is the fourth director of the Christus Chorus since its founding by Robert Leininger. Von Kampen was previously the Director of Music at Crean Lutheran High School (Irvine, CA), Director of Choirs at Lutheran High Northwest (Rochester Hills, MI), and Adjunct Professor of Music at Concordia University, Nebraska.
The Gathering Worship Team is currently working on a transportation plan for those participating in the Wind Symphony and Choir. More communication will be made available in Spring 2025.
Both the Wind Symphony and Choir will perform during the closing Divine Service on Wednesday, July 23.
The Gathering Worship Team will work closely with selected participants to discuss expectations to prepare for the Gathering ahead of July.
No, Wind Symphony members will not need to take their instruments back to their hotel each day. A locked and secure area at the Superdome will be available for storing instruments. Participants may begin bringing their instruments to the stadium beginning July 19 from 2–5:30 pm or before the first rehearsal on July 20.
Serving in the Wind Symphony or Choir is a significant commitment. Depending on the scheduling of District Events, participants may need to miss part of their District Event to attend rehearsals. All applicants are expected to prioritize rehearsals and their responsibilities with the ensemble.
As an Adult Leader, your role is simple and hassle-free. Your youth will receive their schedules directly from the Gathering Worship Team. Rehearsals and the final performance should not disrupt your group’s overall experience. Your primary responsibility is to support your youth as they serve in this unique opportunity.
Still have questions? Please contact